It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you to this institution of higher learning situated in the natural rural surroundings very much conducive for serious and fruitful studies. The college provides you an opportunity to learn from the experienced, dedicated and motivated faculty always ready to share knowledge interactively and effectively. They are the mentors in the true sense who are always ready to help students. Here, the classes being small with less number of students, you can be benefited by their personal attention, care and inspiring attitude. The results of the college have been very encouraging due to sincere efforts put in by the faculty.
The college organizes co-curricular and extra-curricular activities from time to time, and expects all the students to take active part in them. These activities help in developing the personality and the skills to face the challenges of the contemporary turbulent world. Developing right attitudes and personality traits, inculcating values, and sharpening communicative abilities, all are the part of the holistic education process at the college level, and making students enlightened citizens and contributors in nation building.
You must involve yourself in various fruitful activities, studies, and interaction with the faculty. Developing reading habit is very important. For this you must make use of library resources that are available, either by borrowing books of general interest or by undertaking studies in the reading room. You must learn to manage time in the most efficient and effective manner. One who manages one’s time well, achieves the best possible results in life. Develop good thoughts that result in good actions.
Good actions help in developing good habits. Good habits shape your character and high character makes your destiny. Thus, you shape your destiny yourself. I would like you to lay down your goals in life in the light of your inherent strengths and weaknesses keeping in mind the opportunities offered and challenges posed by the evolving environment. You must strive to become deserving, and when and what you deserve you get as per the law of nature.
I hope you put your time in the college to the best use and achieve in life what you aspire based on the level of efforts sincerely put in. I wish all the students & staff members a bright future which they deserve and at the same time hope that New Academic Session will be better than the previous one.
With Best Wishes,